IT contracts made available, conveniently

Technology is an integral, and typically a critical, part of every business. So how do IT suppliers and customers procuring IT products and services ensure they are supplying or procuring what they expect and need?

We’ve made it convenient for you to access the type of IT agreement you need, by identifying five categories within IT: cloud, data, e-commerce, software distribution and software licensing & software development.


Many SaaS suppliers have made the transition from offering on-premise or hosted licensed software to providing a SaaS option. Others have started life as a SaaS provider. All need solid agreements to support the service offering they provide. Our cloud bundles include two types of SaaS agreement, a checklist for SaaS agreements and various templates for assisting with a transition from using licensed software to using software as a service and three free monthly updates.


For many businesses, data is the most valuable asset. Important decisions are made when engaging suppliers for assisting and enabling data management, data integrity, access to and availability of data, leveraging the data to create new business streams and IT security. Our data bundles include products that assist with preparation and review of Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Data Center as a Service (DCaaS) agreements and with checking services agreements for IT security provisions, as well as other products to support our customers with data management and IT security. 


For an enterprise establishing or replacing its e-commerce solution, the project is significant. While many issues cannot be pinned down upfront, a services agreement, which allows for multiple stages of work and processes for working through various issues, can provide a great framework for the project. Our e-commerce bundles include a template services agreement for the development of e-commerce solutions and template legal documents that customers accept when using the site. All bundles include a 15-minute Skype support call with Anne Hall, who wrote the documents.

Software distribution:

Establishing sound practices and known expectations is key to successful distribution arrangements. These partners are representing your software products in the marketplace and need to be properly supported to do this well. There are important issues to be addressed. We assist with this through our Software Distribution Bundles, which include a Distribution Agreement and Checklist, a Maintenance Agreement, under which the distributor can engage the developer to address software defects, and two forms of Software License Agreement to give you a choice of end user license agreement (EULA).

Software Licensing, Software Development and Services

These are the areas which continue to make up a large part of business for many software houses and consultancies. And while these businesses have been around for years, many have on their ‘to do’ list the task of putting in place or reviewing and refreshing the core agreements that they use with clients. Our Software Licensing, Software Development and Services Bundles include Software Development Agreements, a Statement of Work, a Change Request Form, Maintenance and Support Agreements and Software License Agreements.

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