Specialist IT law templates – for lawyers to access

‘Solid’ is the word used to describe IT law templates in the ‘For Lawyers’ package when used by a partner in a law firm on 5th Avenue, New York.

He was looking outside his core business of M&A – so the contract templates appealed for a piece of work requiring the specialist IT legal perspective.

It worked.


It was great to have the conversation and hear the positive comments from this prominent New York lawyer.

This feedback further supports the web-access, style and quality of content in the IT Contract Templates.

This area will continue to develop in 2016. The focus will continue to be on:-

  • quick response to the market - developing a solution
  • posted to the site - readily available in quick turnaround 
  • with a happy customer - positive User Experience reported

For more information on IT Contract Templates in this area please go to http://www.itctemplates.com/pages/faqs or anne@itctemplates.com

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