ARTICLES — Cloud Computing

Tip & tricks to help you understand your
business agreements.

Businesses are recognizing the need to transform and change to keep up with both established competitors and to cope with either brand new competitors or with parallel companies which are branching out into their traditional space. Unfortunately, while many businesses are recognizing the need for transformation, they are either inadequately...

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It’s 10pm. Do you know where your data is?

Data is fast becoming one of the most valuable assets of a business. Companies are generating it at a greater rate than ever before, but as the quantity and value of data increases, the control businesses have over their data is declining. With offsite data storage centres and cloud hosting replacing in-office...

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Business Transformation

The future is not just coming, it’s already here. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, businesses are having to make major changes to keep up. Business transformation is the process of changing what kind of product or service a business provides, or the process of changing the way a...

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A doctor’s surgery is an increasingly technological place. Where once patient records were held in manila folders in very large filing cabinets, now all the information is held electronically. A patient management system keeps track of patients, books appointments, holds billing records, sends out reminder notices, and more. Where once...

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  Many companies are looking to move the software they use for businesses from a licensed software situation to a cloud-based one. However, a company may decide that while it isn’t ready to move into the cloud yet, it may wish to do so in the future. This is where...

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