Businesses are recognizing the need to transform and change to keep up with both established competitors and to cope with either brand new competitors or with parallel companies which are branching out into their traditional space. Unfortunately, while many businesses are recognizing the need for transformation, they are either inadequately...
Often, when an agency makes a pitch to modify an existing website, their pitch is tantalizingly short on details while being long on promises of what the agency can do. Too often, those promises are made without having a look at the back-end of the website, and so are made...
Working for a digital agency, having a client come to you looking for a brand-new website is the ideal situation. This gives the agency a chance to shape the direction of the business and create a user experience that helps sell the client’s brand. However, this ideal is becoming...
Data is fast becoming one of the most valuable assets of a business. Companies are generating it at a greater rate than ever before, but as the quantity and value of data increases, the control businesses have over their data is declining. With offsite data storage centres and cloud hosting replacing in-office...
There’s a difference between signing an agreement and actually reaching an agreement. But once you reach an agreement, either as a customer or a supplier, it is important that the contract does not just get filed in the bottom drawer and forgotten about. Keeping your contract up-to-date and referring...