ARTICLES — Contracts

Tip & tricks to help you understand your
business agreements.

Have you actually reached agreement?

Having an agreement in place is basic business practice – but having an agreement and reaching an agreement are two very different things. Too often a business will sign a contract with a supplier with no details added except the company name. The parties may or may not have actually...

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A doctor’s surgery is an increasingly technological place. Where once patient records were held in manila folders in very large filing cabinets, now all the information is held electronically. A patient management system keeps track of patients, books appointments, holds billing records, sends out reminder notices, and more. Where once...

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What should a social media contract cover?

When engaging an agency to manage your social media channels there are a number of things the agreement between the parties should cover. While the contract should come from the agency, it is important as a customer to know what the contract needs to cover, and what it all means....

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Fitting law into 140 characters

When it comes to technology and the law, the tech world often leaves the law trailing behind. It can be hard to link the world of Facebook with the world of contract law – even for businesses which use contracts on a regular basis.  Nevertheless, if a company is going...

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Is the advice your lawyer provides entirely customized?

When you visit your lawyer for advice, you get customized information tailored to your situation, right? You’re paying a lot for that advice, so you would hope so. But when you think more closely about it, how likely is it going to be that you have come to the lawyer...

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